
Everything is OK

Like our new family picture? Ha. If you must know, the wind DOES sweep across the plains. Pretty sure moving is worthy of a post. Eric's Nana teases him about erasing a hole through the page in her address book. Currently we are in Oklahoma City. (Much more on that later) But, in case your need a refresher, here is a quick review of the last six months... (or just skip it all together and check out our awesome 70s kitchen at the end of this post that I'm working on)

  • The economy give us the willy nillies and so does the new company Eric was working for despite great promises and high hopes. We had a job but were looking for greater security. Back to job searching.
  • Eric considers continuing education and getting a PhD. Perhaps more school = better job prospects and competitiveness? Applies to six grad schools. Meets with professors and continues to interview for jobs. Feedback: not enough positions available at this time.

  • Sarah finishes all course work for B.S. in Behavioral Science. Wahoo!
  • Eric finds job in PA mudlogging until we hear back from possible grad programs.
  • We BOTH move to Pennsylvania. No more of this Florida business.

  • Work on Blue Ridge Summit accent.
  • Sarah starts looking for a job.
  • Eric learns what it means to curse like a mudlogger by live on a drill site for a few weeks at a time. :)
  • Sarah checks the mailbox everyday for acceptance letters.

  • Sarah makes massive 80th birthday cake for Grandad Fred and finally gets an job interview.
  • Request of second interview with company in Oklahoma City. (Note: original interview was October 2010. Expansion apparently happens... wishfully ponder a recovering economy.)

February 7th:
  • 8am: Eric interviews for job.
  • 3pm: While running errands Sarah checks the mail at the PO BOX in Blue Ridge Summit. There's a letter. She wants to rip it open. Calls Eric.
  • 3:05pm Eric gets accepted to his first grad school.
  • 3:07pm Sarah does dance in Walmart parking lot.
  • 3:30pm Eric prepares to board flight back to PA. Sarah looks at list and considers what to make for dinner.
  • 3:32pm Eric gets emailed job offer to be Associate Geologist for a Fortune 100 Best Company to Work For.
  • 3:33pm Eric calls wife.
  • 3:34pm Wife cries and buys a pork roast.
  • 3:45pm Husband boards plane and calls it a day.

Remaining February/March Whirlwind:

  • More acceptance letters come.
  • Lots of discussion.
  • Sarah inadvertently eats a stink bug.
  • Explain to Simon we have decided to move to Oklahoma City.
  • Quick hurry to visit everyone we planned to have six months to see while temporarily in PA.
  • Visit Aden and Jaehee in Boston.
  • Visit Wink and Patti in Richmond.
  • Visit Barb and Bob in Charlotte.
  • Pack AGAIN.
  • Arrive in OKC.
  • Sarah presented at a research conference in CA.
  • Unpack AGAIN.
  • Eric started new job.

April looks like:
  • Sarah officially graduates! (and takes a big breath)
  • Planting our garden.
  • Lots of painting.
  • Sarah job searching.
  • Learning to be big kids.
  • Making new friends.
  • Building a storm shelter...

And there you have it.

I guess you could say things may be calming down for a while now. I certainly hope so. Perhaps I will post a few things from our adventures these past few months. In the meantime I have a lot of work to do in our new place. Eric's parents were so good to us while we lived with them back home in PA. I really couldn't ask for better or more supportive in-laws BUT I love knowing where MY spatula is in MY kitchen. And this is the first project I'm throwing myself into. Proudly aware of our food snobbery, Eric and I spend most of our time here together and it makes me miss our old kitchen. This was the before/after on the old apartment kitchen.

After painting the wall, I realized the cabinets were this weird peachy, pink cream, so I just painted them white. I like a nice white kitchen. And guess what we got here in OKC?

So, besides those fabulous 70's cabinets with the gothic iron hardware, I've got to say, check out that awesome fridge. That was a craigslist find everyone. Frankly the guy felt like giving us a deal because when we priced it later... it was about a third of the original cost. Also, by deal I mean much less than what we would have paid new for a plain definitely smaller option. And let me tell you, Eric and I are appliance EXPERTS now having moved to OK. (Renting and finding bargains = being able to pay off student loans.) Later this week after a special delivery I will post about another appliance adventure.

Lastly, yes I'm painting the cabinets AND the walls in the kitchen... any advice on colors? I'm at a bit of a loss. White dishwasher, black stove, stainless steel fridge seriously complicates things.


Audrey said...

I just left you a massive comment and it got deleted. Call me and I'll just tell you what I said!


sarahflib said...

In what state did you eat the stink bug?

sarahflib said...

This is Dave not Sarah btw

Emily said...

I totally forgot you moved into our old place, so when I saw your kitchen, I was like, "That doesn't look like their kitchen," (referring to the old, old kitchen, from when I knew you) "but it kind of looks like MY old kitchen. Oh, right."

Sarah and Eric said...

@Dave, I love that this is your reaction to this post. :) The stink bug was Pennsylvania born. It happened at the in-laws, five minutes into dinner with their friends. It had dropped into the salad. The crunch was salady, but the taste UNDENIABLY stink bug. Cut to trying not to projectile vomit at a dinner party where I had made everything and excuse myself to the bathroom where I do so in the sink instead. It was awful. And post worthy. I hate stink bugs. In PA they were everywhere. EVERYWHERE. While unpacking here in OKC, Eric and I found three; two of them were alive. We freaked out and killed them both so they wouldn't make stink bug love, lay eggs and cause the grand state of Oklahoma to blame us for an infestation with no known U.S. predator.

Bri {collected} said...

Yay! Glad to catch up...I've been wondering what you were doing in OK. Good luck with that kitchen. Non-matching appliances are the pits!

Kristi said...

About those fabulous 1970s cabinets! Perhaps they wouldn't be so bad with an updated finish and different hardware. I thought they were pretty cool actually, especially if you are into a modern/contemporary look for your kitchen. Love the white, gray and wood floor in the previous kitchen with orange drum light, very cute!!

Kristi said...

i like the ralph lauren white wash paint palette, lots of safe options.


KasiaJ said...

Oooo, I love white kitchens, too.
You could paint your dishwasher black, if you wanted things to match a bit more. There are special paints specifically for appliances that I've seen used on blogs (but couldn't find any links for you).
I agree what someone else said about the cupboards- they could look moderny all painted up and with different hardware- but if it's too much, you could always take some of the cupboard doors off completely and have open shelving that's painted awesomely.
I'm excited to see what you do!