
Static cling & name that movie

A humorously unfortunate mad grab from the laundry basket on the way out the door...

fashion fail - Static Cling
see more Poorly Dressed

Movie answer: Raising Arizona. (Isssa good one. Go watch it.)


Emily said...

hahaha. That joke is funny. And maybe a little sad, too.

Hey! When are you going to post pictures of the apartment?

Sarah said...

The kitchen is finally done, so those pictures will be up verra verra soon. I'm really happy with it. The other rooms in the apartment are a work in progress. I sort of have decorator's/collector's ADHD... I'll see something somewhere and get it and try and fit it where I think it should go and not like it and refinish it and resell it. That has been my summer: too many projects at once, but it's coming along. Stay tuned. I'm excited to hear what you think.

Audrey said...

Son, you've got a panty on your head!